Happy Halloween!
Lily and David are now asleep, after a thrilling Halloween evening. We picked up David from school, drove down to base and picked up mail/ate dinner, then drove to Feltwell (a smaller base slightly closer to home) for trick or treating. Much fun, and candy, had by all. Here's a shot of the pirate, and the slightly wilted flower, afterward. Her petals got a bit drizzled on.

And in other exciting news of the day, today was Lily's first day of preschool. She was thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to be going, and when we arrived and saw the kids were painting a la Jackson Pollock, well, let's say there were no tears when I left. She never noticed me leave. 2.5 hours of big girl heaven...

And in other exciting news of the day, today was Lily's first day of preschool. She was thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to be going, and when we arrived and saw the kids were painting a la Jackson Pollock, well, let's say there were no tears when I left. She never noticed me leave. 2.5 hours of big girl heaven...
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