Some Pictures of the Gang
This weekend, we attended a formal dinner/dance put on by David's unit - a really nice time was had by all. Don't we clean up well?

This was The Grog, or penalty drinking box, or Toilets of Doom. We behaved with decorum and were not sent to The Grog. The results for those who didn't - not pretty. There were leaded and unleaded grogs - even the nonalcoholic one was pretty nasty, I think.

There was babysitting offered, and the ratio of kids to sitters was 2:1, which rocked. Kids had a grand time, we stayed overnight in the rooms on base so we didn't have to drive home at midnight, and following a leisurely morning, we enjoyed the really cool playground outside the billeting. And today is the British Mothering Sunday, so I got breakfast in bed and gifts made by the kids. Lucky, lucky, lucky me!!

This was The Grog, or penalty drinking box, or Toilets of Doom. We behaved with decorum and were not sent to The Grog. The results for those who didn't - not pretty. There were leaded and unleaded grogs - even the nonalcoholic one was pretty nasty, I think.
There was babysitting offered, and the ratio of kids to sitters was 2:1, which rocked. Kids had a grand time, we stayed overnight in the rooms on base so we didn't have to drive home at midnight, and following a leisurely morning, we enjoyed the really cool playground outside the billeting. And today is the British Mothering Sunday, so I got breakfast in bed and gifts made by the kids. Lucky, lucky, lucky me!!
Looking great!! Love the new dress and haircut! And doesn't D look amazing in Dress Mess?? I love those Dress Uniforms. Wish R would wear his more often. *sigh*
I said it once and I'm saying it again, you guys look fantastic!! I think that dress is so lovely and you look SO thin! I didnt notice before, but look at all those metals on D's jacket!! I'm surprised he doesnt lean to one side!!
And as usual, those kids are adorable.
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