Christmas Morning Here in England
Well, it's a beautiful, and bittersweet, morning here in England. No snow...FIE on you, Mr. Winter, for giving us 50-degree weather :)
No Daddy, either...we sure miss you, and especially so today. We really loved to talk with you today, even for a very few minutes. Even Lily managed to say Hello and Merry Christmas loudly enough to be heard.
Clarke got, and gave, some lovely presents, and helped make a delicious post-gift breakfast. She is surviving the homesick feeling of a first Christmas without her family, and I am making her wait to phone home until at least 8 AM their time. No, 4 AM their time is *not* going to get a loving, chatty response on the phone!!
Lily and David also love their presents, and gave some lovely presents. Thanks, kiddoes!!
A view of the gifts just before being pounced upon!!

The Christmas gifts with children in the picture:

Lily wearing her new scarf and hat, and a SMASHING pair of
Thomas the Tank wellies. She will be the envy of her preschool mates:

This is a traditional Afghan hat from Daddy. From above,
it looks like an elaborately embroidered pancake.

Here's Clarke, pondering her next gift, in a scarf from me.
Mohair, fisherman's rib stitch, if you care...

Here Lily is wearing a head scarf that is part of a native Afghan (?) costume Daddy sent her. It is a lovely outfit, and I will post a picture when she puts on the whole thing sometime soon...

David and Lily left cookies, carrots, and reindeer chow for Santa and Co. He left them a Thank You note:

This is the Rice Krispy Treat house. Long story, but Rice Krispies, despite the claims in the recipe for this, do NOT like to be a house shape with a roof. Had to reroof with plain cardboard...
No Daddy, either...we sure miss you, and especially so today. We really loved to talk with you today, even for a very few minutes. Even Lily managed to say Hello and Merry Christmas loudly enough to be heard.
Clarke got, and gave, some lovely presents, and helped make a delicious post-gift breakfast. She is surviving the homesick feeling of a first Christmas without her family, and I am making her wait to phone home until at least 8 AM their time. No, 4 AM their time is *not* going to get a loving, chatty response on the phone!!
Lily and David also love their presents, and gave some lovely presents. Thanks, kiddoes!!
A view of the gifts just before being pounced upon!!

The Christmas gifts with children in the picture:

Lily wearing her new scarf and hat, and a SMASHING pair of
Thomas the Tank wellies. She will be the envy of her preschool mates:

This is a traditional Afghan hat from Daddy. From above,
it looks like an elaborately embroidered pancake.

Here's Clarke, pondering her next gift, in a scarf from me.
Mohair, fisherman's rib stitch, if you care...

Here Lily is wearing a head scarf that is part of a native Afghan (?) costume Daddy sent her. It is a lovely outfit, and I will post a picture when she puts on the whole thing sometime soon...

David and Lily left cookies, carrots, and reindeer chow for Santa and Co. He left them a Thank You note:

This is the Rice Krispy Treat house. Long story, but Rice Krispies, despite the claims in the recipe for this, do NOT like to be a house shape with a roof. Had to reroof with plain cardboard...

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